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​Businesses and Outdoor Advertising

When it comes to outdoor advertising, one aspect business owners should be aware of is the difference between what are classified as "on-premise" signs and what are classified as "off-premise" signs.

"On-premise" signs are on the same property as the activity being advertised, are within 100 feet of the advertised activity, and are on the same side of the road as the activity. If any of the three conditions are not fulfilled, the sign is considered "off-premise." The graphic below provides a visual of the distinction. Off-premise signs require a PennDOT permit and must meet certain requirements along highways that are designated as controlled routes (indicated here). On-premise signs only require a permit if they are located along an interstate highway.

For more guidance about outdoor signage, please review the dropdowns below. 

In the image above, the structure on the left is off-premise, as the "Bakery Just Ahead" advertisement is more than 100 feet from the bakery, and the "Auto Insurance" advertisement also refers to an activity outside of the area. The "Bakery Open" sign on the right is on-premise, because it is on the premises of the activity it advertises (indicated by the dashed line extending 100 feet from the bakery building in each direction).


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